Hot Stone Massage Edmonton - Muscle Release Massage Therapy

A Relaxing Way To Recover

Muscle Release Hot Stones is a technique to increase the outcome of massage using heat and the stones as a tool to dig deeper into the muscles. This technique is created and patent pending by Alix Sutherland (RMT, BKin, BeD). The heat will increase the blood flow and decrease the parasympathetic response (decrease pain sensation during massage), it will also help aid elasticity in the muscles decreasing the chance for injury, increase ROM (Range of Motion), and decrease DOMS (delayed onset muscle soreness). Once the heat dissipates from the stones, we then use the stones as a tool to increase our pressure and get into deep trigger points. This technique is very efficient in relieving tight muscles and decreasing pain during and after massage. 

We can also combine hot stones with cold stones. The cold stones help create a contrast by vasoconstricting the blood cells, meaning it will help pump blood in and out of the cells. This is very helpful when recovering because blood has all of the nutrients needed to heal your muscles.

Hot Stone Massage FAQs


Can I get hot stone massage while pregnant?

Yes you can! However, they will not be hot they will be warm, during pregnancy you already have higher blood volume than normal. We can increase circulation but we do not want to go to the extremes.

Which injuries can hot stones treat?

We can use the stones on numerous injuries including tendinitis, headaches, low back pain, planter fasciitis, golfers elbow, tennis elbow, jumpers knee, shin splints, hamstring injuries, hip pain… The list goes on! Hot Stones is an effective tool to treat most soft tissue injuries. It can also be used in the acute phases of an injury. The heat and cold contrast can help stimulate blood flow and more nutrients to the muscles.

What should I expect from hot stone therapy?

Hot Stones are amazing. Once you try it you will not want to go back! The heat decreases the pain you feel during the massage so we can get a little deeper making the massage more effective. You are also going to be able to relax more during a deep tissue massage.

What Our Clients Say


“Alix & Kelly are a great team, and I'd recommend them to anyone needing work on their tired muscles! Their techniques are really helpful for all kinds of aches and strains, and they're just good people to visit. Give them a shout, it's worth it!”

— Neil K.

“I would highly recommend Alix - her understanding of anatomy and love of movement make for a fantastic combination. She can sustain deep tissue release throughout the treatment and the addition of hot and cold stones are really nice!”

— Jessie B.


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