Massage For Car Accident Injuries - MVA Massage Treatments

Massage For Car Accident Injuries - MVA Massage Treatments

Motor vehicle accident massage treatment. Because of the sudden trauma to the tissues, Massage has to wait at least 2 weeks post-accident for the tissues to heal enough to be manipulated. The tissue will be swollen and ripped and because the nature of massage is to create slight tears in the tissue to encourage the tissue to align properly and decrease scar tissue, we can not work on muscles that are already torn so we do not make the tears larger. Depending on the severity of your whiplash or injuries, it may take longer; 

  • Grade 1 soft tissue injuries will take about 1-2 weeks for the swelling to go down and be ready for massage. 

  • Grade 2 soft tissue injuries will take about 3-4 weeks for the swelling to go down.

MVA Massage FAQs


Is mva massage different from a regular massage?

Yes, it is different because we use less aggressive techniques and slowly build to regular massage treatments. The tissues have been subjected to serious trauma/ tearing and are most likely already swollen. To encourage healing we bring blood to the muscles gently and align the tissues properly so they do not get too much thick collagen fibers (scar tissue)

How do I get insurance for my accident?

You must be assessed from a health care practitioner including an MD doctor, Physio therapist, Chiropractor, etc… Once you are assessed and the practitioner feels you are eligible for 21 treatments combined you can work with your insurance company and start your claim.

Do you offer direct billing?

Yes, we will direct bill for MVA cases. 

What we need

  • Adjusters email and phone number 

  • Claim number

  • An email to send invoices too

  • A credit card on file that will not be charged unless you go over your 21 treatments and insurance will not cover your massage. It is your responsibility to not go over 21 combined treatments.


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