NeuroKinetic Therapy NKT

NeuroKinetic Therapy

NeuroKinetic Therapy is a series of advanced assessments to find muscles that have been compensating. Each muscle has to be able to function in the system, often times we find that stronger muscles are taking over and weaker muscles lack neuromuscular control. We will find patterns in the body and retrain the neurobiomechanics to have the system functioning properly.

NeuroKinetic Therapy is a corrective movement system that addresses the cause of pain – looking at the dysfunctional movement patterns that are stored in the brain.

How to book

Morgan and Alix are both trained in Neurokinetics. This is a tool that is combined in Kinesiology Sessions and Massage Therapy. This tool can be requested or combined with other tools when booking with Morgan or Alix. There is no additional fee, we want you to receive the best treatment that will help you.

What can NKT help with?

NKT is especially known for helping the nagging injury/ pain that wont go away. However it can help with everything.

Unexplained injuries: Knee, ankle, wrist, elbow, hip, low back, neck, shoulder pain.

Explained injuries: tennis elbow, golfers elbow, carpal tunnel, ankle sprains, patellar tendonitis, jumpers knee, IT band syndrome, headaches, impingement syndrome at shoulder and hip. These are the common injuries we see, if your not sure about yours, please give us a call or email!

NeuroKinetic Therapy Edmonton