Scoliosis Massage Therapy Edmonton

Scoliosis Massage Therapy Edmonton

Scoliosis can be defined as abnormal curvature in the spine, often making an S shape. Scolosis is often but not always genetic and appears during adolescence. If not corrected early in life the severity of curvature may increase over time. There have been successful studies in early intervention of physical therapy that can decrease the severity of the curve. There is also medical intervention from a doctor to correct the spine. Because there are many different degrees of Scoliosis the symptoms are vast, some symptoms include one leg longer, a visible S shape in spine, headaches, back pain, one shoulder higher or more forward, different range of motion in shoulders.

What can massage do?

Massage cannot correct scoliosis permanently, what massage can do is make life more comfortable and ease pain from muscles. Massage is a valuable tool that can help increase effects from physical therapy or medical intervention but has not been successful in correcting the spine on its own. All of our therapists are highly trained in scoliosis and can successfully ease muscle tension in the correct areas that should not make your symptoms worse, but life more of a pain free life. 

Scoliosis Massage FAQs


How to book scoliosis treatment?

You can book in as a regular therapeutic massage treatment and tell us about your symptoms and we can use the modalities that will best help you.

Does scoliosis massage cost more?

No, scoliosis massage therapy is included in our standard massage prices

Do you offer direct billing?

Yes, we will direct bill for MVA cases. 

What we need

  • Adjusters email and phone number 

  • Claim number

  • An email to send invoices too

  • A credit card on file that will not be charged unless you go over your 21 treatments and insurance will not cover your massage. It is your responsibility to not go over 21 combined treatments.


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