Therapeutic Massage Therapy Edmonton

Targeted Massage Therapy From Professional RMTs

Therapeutic massage can be defined as any type of massage to reduce pain, stress, and treat specific injuries ext. At the clinic we use therapeutic massage to treat and understand injuries. This type of massage helps us understand certain pathologies and locate tight muscles. Some pathologies (specific causes of injury and injuries themselves) we use therapeutic massage for are frozen shoulder, Rotator cuff injury, tension headaches, low back pain, tendinitis, golfers/tennis elbow, knee pain, shin splints... Therapeutic massage is not always deep, we often use therapeutic massage to find tight muscles and then combine it with deep tissue massage to reduce scar tissue. Therapeutic massage uses specific techniques to locate injured muscles and find the source of the problem.

Therapeutic Massage FAQs


Is therapeutic massage painful?

Not all therapeutic massage is painful. Therapeutic massage means healing. There are a number of ways to treat a problem without causing pain. The term is very broad. At our clinic we combine therapeutic massage with deep tissue, to locate the problem areas and then work into the deep adhesions (knots).

What is the purpose of therapeutic massage?

The purpose is to understand and treat pain. Some pain is caused by stress (which may not need deep pressure) or an overuse injury (which may require a deep massage). Our therapists are trained to understand and know how deep to go during a massage for the outcome to be therapeutic.

How do I ensure I’m receiving therapeutic massage?

All of our massages at the clinic are therapeutic. We do not specialize in relaxation massage.

What Our Clients Say


“They listen to what you need and are able to provide the service specific to you. The clinic is clean and they're following COVID protocols. Highly recommend the clinic!”

— Kristine Connor

“Alix is awesome. Highly recommend if you're looking for someone to work on specific issues or help with sports performance! I always feel much better after my visit. Love the new location too!”

— Alexis Sutherland


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