Massage and Kinesiology for


Thoracic Outlet Syndrome Massage Therapy Edmonton

Thoracic Outlet Syndrome Massage Therapy Edmonton

TOS has a broad term that can be defined as pinched or compressed nerves in the thoracic outlet (between your collar bone and first rib), with symptoms such as numbing/ tingling down the arm, discoloration of hand, weakness in arm, throbbing in collarbone area, swelling in arm. TOS can be brought on by a number of different ways, sudden trauma to area, over us injuries, rounded shoulders, pregnancy and more that doctors cannot be certain of the exact cause for injury. 

What can Kinesiology do?

At MRMT we practice a Kinesiopathic model to treat low back pain. We will find the route cause of why these injuries may have happened, we will determine the phase of healing you are in (how acute the injury is), assess your biomechanics (if you hurt your back during an olympic lift, back squat, bench press etc… we will do a biomechanics analysis of these lifts to make sure the correct muscles are being used.) We then find your strength and mobility imbalances in the joints above and below to get a complete look at how your system is functioning. There is no exact protocol because each injury is different. The treatment will be tailored to what we find in you.

What can massage do? 

Since this is a neurological condition, our speciality is in muscles. If the nerves are compressed or not sliding properly due to tight muscles than massage can be highly effective and often see significant improvement with few treatments. If TOS is brought on due to a postural imbalance massage can help increase ROM in shoulders making it easier to create better postural habits. If TOS is caused from overuse injuries, massage can help increase blood flow, break up adhesions and encourage a faster recovery. Limitations, massage can only help muscles if TOS is caused by compression of nerves due to bones or an extra rib than a referral will be needed to seek other therapies. The only way to know for sure if massage will help is to try it. All of our therapists are qualified and extremely knowledgeable in treating TOS and will understand your injury and how to appropriately treat or refer you.

TOS Massage FAQs


How to book TOS treatment?

You can book in as a regular therapeutic massage treatment and tell us about your symptoms and we can use the modalities that will best help you.

Does TOS massage cost more?

No, thoracic outlet syndrome massage therapy is included in our standard massage prices

Do you offer direct billing?

Yes, we will direct bill for MVA cases. 

What we need

  • Adjusters email and phone number 

  • Claim number

  • An email to send invoices too

  • A credit card on file that will not be charged unless you go over your 21 treatments and insurance will not cover your massage. It is your responsibility to not go over 21 combined treatments.


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